Saturday, August 31, 2019

Relevance Of Kant’s Ideas In Today’s Modern World

In his Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals, Kant formulated his theory of the Universal Law, which states that a person must act according to the maxim that he or she can will to become a universal law. Simply put, that maxim behind one’s behavior must be a principle that any other individual can apply, something that one â€Å"can rationally will that everyone adopt† (Van der Linden). Under this Kantian law, the very notion of harming one’s future self becomes a preposterous, if not criminal, idea because one cannot obviously will everybody to follow suit. The believe that in a government working its way towards the equality of its citizens. Freedom, for Kant, is obtained through a universal theory of right. Morality is at the center of Kant’s freedom and this is crucial in forming a government. John got his freedom, through murdering the tyrant. And in this case, the freedom and the rights of the rich man, tyrant as he is, was stepped upon proving the unrighteousness of the action. Kant values the sense of freedom in relation to reason. If man is fated or causally determined, then it is pointless for freedom to exist as man has already a determined course of actions. John earned the trust of the people by recognizing the general will of the community, or what is known as the people’s will. Acknowledging the general will creates the laws of the society. These laws, however, should be grounded by the good of the people. Only with the consent of the people will the laws and, ultimately, the government will turn to be legitimate. Kant defines the ideal government in such a way that morality is at the center of it. And with this notion, the actions of John were not justifiable. John’s government started out with a wrong foot, his concealment of the murder of the tyrant. Although this brought about the freedom of the people, the method of doing so was immoral in Kant’s views. This is the kind of society that is ideally set up. The theme of Kant’s moral philosophy is on how people deserve to be happy and not happiness in itself. This is prevalent in the teachings of John gave away the tyrant’s wealth to the people because they deserve to be happy. The morality of man’s actions does not depend on the outcome of the actions. However, we can control the reason behind the action. The morality then rests upon the motivation behind the action. But a motivation of a positive goal, such as making people happy or benefiting the people the same way as John did, is not the right motive, according to Kant. â€Å"No outcome, should we achieve it, can be unconditionally good. Fortune can be misused, by what we thought would induce benefit that might actually bring harm, and happiness might be undeserved. [†¦] It is the possession of a rationally guided will that adds a moral dimension to one’s acts. So it is the recognition and appreciation of duty itself that must drive our actions† (McCormick 2001). Morality of one’s actions is defined by pursuing a goal with no conditions. The reason is not the means for the ends. â€Å"All means to an end have a merely conditional worth because they are valuable only for achieving something else† (McCormick 2001). Thus, John’s actions were not morally right. He used immoral ways in achieving his goal. And this could also be used in performing other actions leading to harm of other people. Kant stresses that the moral worth of an action is not based on its effects, or on anything else publicly visible about it, but rather on why the agent performed it. Kant believes that the highest good requires both our moral perfection and our well being proportionate to our moral perfection, but we are not capable of bringing about either of those. It is in God that ultimate happiness commensurable to goodness can be experienced. Goodness and happiness can only be reached through actions towards morality, a maxim of duty that disregards the conditions.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Assess the Usefulness of Functionalism for an Understanding of the Family

Assess the usefulness of functionalism for an understanding of the family. Functionalism is a structural theory in that it believes that the social structure of society (social institutions such as economy, education, media, law, religion and family) is responsible for shaping us as individuals. Functionalists are interested in how the family functions for the greater good or society and in particular, how it contributes to maintenance of social order. Functionalist's view of families and households is mainly a positive view. In this essay, I will assess the understanding of families and households through a functionalist view.All over the world family life is differs by huge variation and diversity. But in the UK and according to functionalists who take the more traditional view of family believe it should be a small group of people living together, including the mother father and usually two or three children and are biologically related. The children should be the product of roman tic love. A famous sociologist George Peter Murdock (1949) defines the family as: â€Å"A social group characterised by common residence, economic cooperation and reproduction.It should consist of adults of both sexes with at least two who maintain a socially approved relationship, which has created one or more children of their own. Therefore Murdock’s definition is based on the nuclear family – a stereotypical two-generation family made up of a heterosexual couple with dependent offspring. This definition was popular with functionalist sociologists who suggested that this is the ideal type of family which people should aim to have. Murdock’s four key functions are: Stabilisation/regulation of the sex drive (sexual) Reproduction of the next generation (reproductive)Socialisation of the young (educational) Meeting its members’ economic needs, providing food shelter etc (economic) Sociologists criticise Murdocks approach on the family saying it’s t o ‘rose-tinted’, which means it’s all a bit pretty and wonderful and he ignores conflict that happens in the family. Feminists believe women are oppressed in the family and Marxists argue the family meeting the needs of capitalism, not the members and society as a whole. Parsons, there is a clear division of labour. According to his studies, the husbands has an â€Å"instrumental role†, he is armed for success at work so that he can provide for his family.Wives on the other hand have an â€Å"expressive role† where they are expected to emotionally support their husbands and children. The male role is economic breadwinner and head of household, whereas the female role is nurturing and childcare. Lastly, the family members receive nurturing and un-conditional love and care from the mother. This nuclear family type, as mentioned above, is seen as the ideal. We see this in wider parts of society such as the media who portray this in such things as adver tisements, where there will be a family with a mother who is preparing the food, the male getting ready for work and two or three children.This is known as the ‘cereal packet family’. Functionalist see the family as a primary agent of socialisation, it teaches its members its culture by sharing common norms and values. So functionalist believes the family is crucial to order and created consensus. Another Functionalist, Talcott Parsons (1965) believes the family is a ‘personality factory’ who produces children with shared norms and values and has a strong sense of belonging to society.Another key point functionalists believe the family is crucial for is controlling society daily for example with marriage it keeps sexual relationships under control and monogamous. This is seen as socially acceptable when kept in a heterosexual marriage, so it stops chaos and disorder from unregulated sexual relationships. Parsons argues that a function of the family is that of a stress reliever for the male after a hard day of working, this is known as the ‘warm bath theory’ as all the hardships of modern working life is forgotten.Therefore functionalist sees the family as both beneficial for society and for the individual. But other sociologists such as feminists would argue this, as they believe the family is only serving the needs of men and oppresses women. According to Fran Ansley women are ‘takers of shit’ â€Å"When wives play their traditional role as takers of shit, they often absorb their husbands’ legitimate anger and frustration at their own powerlessness. † This would counter the warm bath theory and suggest males take their anger out on women, rather than see the family as a stress relief from their jobs.This could explain domestic violence. Parsons (1955) the family can perform many functions. The functions that it performs will depend on the needs of society. This is known as the ‘functional fit’ theory. Pre-industrial society = extended family (three generations living under one roof) Industrial society = nuclear family (just parents and dependent children). As society changed, the ‘type’ of family that was required to help society function changed.Industrial society has two essential needs which require a nuclear family to work: A geographically mobile workforce and a socially mobile workforce. Loss of functions ,Parsons also argues that the family in modern society has lost many of its functions as it has become a unit of consumption only (rather than also being a unit of production) This means that in modern society the nuclear family has just two essential or ‘irreducible’ functions: Primary socialisation of children Stabilisation of adult personalities.Sociologists such as Young and Willmott (1973) ; Laslett (1972) argue that the pre-industrial family was nuclear, which defeats all points made by Parsons and why a lot of people do n’t believe his argument is very reliable. To conclude I believe that the usefulness of functionalism for understanding the family has become dated, every key point they make can be argued or disproved with actual statistics and fact. I believe it would have been more credible in the mid-1900s where gender roles where a lot more evident and accepted.Also they take the nuclear family as the norm, ideal and most apparent family type in modern society which Is false, and Michael Andersons (1980) research proves Parsons functional fit theory wrong, as the extended family was the structure best equipped to meet the needs of early industrial society, due to the benefits such as older kin looing after children whilst parents worked. Therefore I don’t believe functionalism is very useful to get an overall understanding of every aspect of the family.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Comparison Of Perfect Competition And Monopoly Economics Essay

A Comparison Of Perfect Competition And Monopoly Economics Essay Introduction In order to answer the question of whether ‘the competition is always necessarily beneficial to consumers’, it is vital to address the operation of two extreme sides of the market organisation. The extreme sides of the market organisation are Perfect competition and Monopoly. Once we accustom ourselves with the working of this dichotomy of market organisation, only then we can compare monopoly and perfect competition on the basis of efficiency in the market and specifically its impact on the consumers. Thus, in this essay we would first go through a brief description of perfect competition and monopoly and how the resources are organised in these two different market structures to achieve the goal of profit maximisation. By the allocation of resources and the level of output to be produced in these two different markets, we would compare their efficiency and inefficiency and the possible benefits and limitations of these market structures in different indus tries to the consumers. Perfect Competition Perfect competitive markets are those where there are large number of small buyers and sellers dealing with a homogeneous product and a single small firm do not have influence on the price allocation and acts as a price taker (Mankiw & Taylor, 2006). In addition to this, in a perfectly competitive market the mobility of the factors of production is perfect in the long run and both the producers and the consumers have perfect information regarding the product (Frank, 2003). A competitive firm being the price taker, to achieve the goal of profit maximisation, it produces a certain level of output where the price is equal to the marginal cost of producing an extra unit of product, a ‘Pareto efficient’ output level (Varian, 2006). As the price is also the marginal revenue for a competitive firm, so the profit is maximised at the condition where marginal revenue is equal to the marginal cost (Frank, 2003). This means that for a com pany to remain in business, it has to cover its cost, which is to say the price must be at least greater than the ‘minimum value of the average variable cost’ (ibid.) Monopoly At the extreme opposite end of the market organisation is monopoly. Monopoly is a market structure, where a single firm serves the entire market and is the only seller of a particular product with no close substitutes (Frank, 2003). Moreover, being the only firm in the market, it does not take any price but instead it has influence over the market price and produces a level of output at a particular price where the firms’ profits are the highest (Varian, 2006). Monopoly is created when a firm either takes control of key resources or the government issues a license and give them exclusive right for the production of goods and services. An economy of scale is another source of monopoly for a firm, where a single firm has more efficient cost of production as compared to a large number of firms and creates a natural monopoly that arises with public utilities like gas, electricity etc (ibid.). Furthermore, a monopolist will set his price higher than his marginal cost at a point where his marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost, in order to make positive economic profit (Frank, 2003). However the demand curve is negative for a monopolist and being a ‘price setter’, it cannot just randomly set a high price. It would rather set a price that the market could bear and maximises its profit (Mankiw & Taylor, 2006).

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Basic Differences between the Tradition Term of Group Work and the Essay

The Basic Differences between the Tradition Term of Group Work and the Ideas behind Cooperative Learning Groups - Essay Example The Basic Differences between the Tradition Term of Group Work and the Ideas behind Cooperative Learning Groups Apart from the use of a part (small groups) of a whole, cooperative learning strategies differ fundamentally from traditional group work in a number of ways. Group work does not guarantee the full participation and mutual engagement of students in a group and, by extension, the whole class. The abilities and interests of students in a class are naturally not the same. Some may be very fast in picking while others are slow. Some may be weak in particular aspect of a subject and good in others. A relatively intelligent student in group may find it easy to accomplish group task and as such find the work interesting. A weaker student may not be that lucky and may have to coast along with his group members. There is no good reward that motivates the weak to double up. The group may be awarded points regardless of individual participation and growth. The group may earn recognition even if the weaker students perform woefully or if the gifted only carry along the weaker. The growth of indiv idual students is therefore not recognized as a contributor to group success. Conversely, cooperative learning strategies ensure active participation of all students using a reward structure that makes individual members to invest in each other’s learning. The reward structure is motivational. A group in cooperative learning strategy may earn points when there is comparative improvement of each member of the group.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Construction Law - Subcontracts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Construction Law - Subcontracts - Essay Example This paper examines various clauses of the Sub-contract and their level of compatibility with the Construction Act 2009 and the Joint Contracts Tribunal rules. The enactment of the Construction Act 1996 on 1st May 1998 made it the sole regulatory mechanism for all construction contracts (Evans, 2005; Teichmann, 2011).   The law was intended to handle issues in the construction industry relating to payments for completed construction projects and the then rampant cases of prolonged and costly legal disputes that were bringing construction activities at the sites to a near standstill. In the Act, different stakeholders in the building industry now reached a consensus about the various provisions which sought rationalize payment issues and establish a new way of resolving disputes that would keep construction projects going on throughout the duration of seeking resolutions to conflicts.  Adjudication was the new dispute resolution mechanism which was brought into the 1996 Construction Act. The Construction Acts are limited to regulating construction contracts only.  Sinden et al (2012) have noted that a construction contract is a working arrangement between two parties with for purposes of implementing construction activities.  In general, construction operations encompass erecting, altering, renovating, servicing, extension or bringing down of any buildings, constructions or works (Lynch, 2013; Evans, 2005).  This broad definition of construction works also includes piping and electrical installations, drainage networks and tunnels, clearing the debris from the site, landscaping and applying finishing touches like painting and decorations among others. In light of these definitions, this sub-contract is well within the confines of a construction project. Owing to the applicability of the Construction Act 1996 to contacts formed in writing, this Sub-Contract was conceived within the law (Teichmann, 2011). Nonetheless, the Construction Act 2009

Monday, August 26, 2019

Advantages of Establishing a Chemical Production Plant in Bhopal India Assignment

Advantages of Establishing a Chemical Production Plant in Bhopal India - Assignment Example The researcher states that each foreign country has its own statutory safety and environmental guidelines which could affect the success or failure of a manufacturing company. As an engineer who has been a successful corporate manager for a chemical production company, I have written this report to guide the management before establishing at least one production company in Indonesia within the next ten years. Based on the gathered ethical and legal issues in each target country, recommended solutions on how we could effectively decrease the risk of losing the large sum of money due to the difference in business and cultural practices will be tackled in details. Expanding the business in Bhopal India could offer the business more competitive advantages as compared to its competitors. Aside from the relatively low cost of labor, other operational necessities such as raw materials, electricity, taxes, and transportation costs are also competitive. Basically, the cost savings that the co mpany can get out of establishing a chemical plant in Bhopal or Kazakhstan will enable the company to sell the finish products at a more competitive price without the need to sacrifice its quality. As a chemical manufacturing plant, it is but ethical for plant managers to learn more and train employees regarding the socially and legally accepted staffing policy, health and safety management, the health and social consequences of establishing the chemical plant close to a densely populated geographic area, the toxicity of chemicals being manufactured at the chemical plant, and the proper way of handling and disposing the chemicals. Â  Likewise, it is equally important for the plant managers to develop proper emergency response strategies and train employees on how to cut down the harmful effects of these chemicals in case of emergency. All these are necessary in order to avoid unnecessary law suites which can be filed against the company.

Lecture Summaries #2 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Lecture Summaries #2 - Coursework Example Some tribes disputed the Euro-Americans settlement. The United States government later made agreements with Indian leaders for their communities to reside in reserves. However, many Americans did not stay true to this agreement. The Federal Indian Policy saved land for Indians to settle on. The policy also entailed the signing of new agreements that controlled how Indians lived and exploited this reserve land. Conflicts between plains Indians and Euro-American colonists included neglect of signed agreements, lack of enforcement of the Federal Indian Policy by American agents, and refusal of some Indians to relocate to reserves. Violence between Plains Indians and Euro-American colonists broke out in the early 1860s with the army frequently attacking nonviolent Indians. In the process, two massacres ensued in 1864 and 1890. In 1887, the Dawes Severalty Act was passed to perceive of Indians as individuals and make them conform to the United States law. The Dawes Severalty Act was problematic in the sense that a lot of the land put up for sale was unsuitable for farming. In addition, allocating land was an extremely delayed process. As a result, the government came up with new settlements, boundaries, and provinces that saw a radical rise in population in the west. Linked themes in the expansion of west and its railways include the Homestead Act and removal of Indian tribes. Terms of this expansion included the calibration and merging of landowners. These processes included surveys and issuing of land grants as gifts. However, a majority of these processes were fraudulent because they were carried out with the Indians and Americans had the upper hand. Railways were crucial for expanding the west and introducing new governments, farming, and cattle rearing. Railways added to the deterioration of the traditional Indian livelihood. Railways also backed the expansion of municipalities and

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Child and health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Child and health - Essay Example has to say on these matters it is also the case that this paper will also provide some personal insight into the effectiveness as well as the relevance of these issues in our modern society. According to an article published by Paediatrics (2009) one of the major issues facing Paediatric cancer survivors is long term follow care. According to the article it was the case that prior to the 1970’s most children dealing with cancer died as a result of the primary disease however as a result of improvements in medical technology the survival rates have increased dramatically. However as a result of this, what we can say is that long term care literature has only been developed in the last forty years. What was proposed by the article was a so called â€Å"Shared-care model† in which the duties of long term care is split between primary care providers as well as the cancer specialists postulating that routine health maintenance and meeting the emotional needs of survivors should be the responsibility of the primary care providers. Under this model the oncology specialist should be available as part of a routine to provide ongoing care in regards to any uncertain ties that should arise with the long term care. One of the most persistent issues of health promotion amongst juniors through teens is proper nutrition and exercise. On the Great Ormond Street Hospital (2010) there is a link to the healthy eating sections for each age classification for younger people (Juniors, kids and teens). Furthermore there are guidelines for these younger people and how they can adopt an exercise regime that can be best suited to their needs given a number of input variables (Current weight, current activity levels etc.) Lastly there is the promotion of an oft not quoted subsection of youth health which is mental health. There is little question that today’s youths face a unique set of challenges and fortunately it is the case that the Great Ormond Street Hospital offers a clear outline

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Film review Argo Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Film review Argo - Research Paper Example The main character of Mendez is played by the director himself. The movie has received widespread success and is one of the best eleven movies of the year 2012. It was also nominated for a number of awards and also won many such nominations including the Oscars, Golden Globe along with other acclaimed awards. However many of the critiques have put forward that the movie diverts from the events that took place in real. This essay would compare the critiques of the different newspapers and would argue as to if these are logical enough to put down the story. The story revolves around the rescue and escape of six Americans from the American embassy when it was attacked by the Iranian revolutionaries. Although there were 52 Americans in the embassy when the attack happened, only 6 were able to escape through a back door and were then given a refuge in the home of the Canadian embassy. In order to save their lives, a CIA specialist made a plan to bring them safely back to their home. The p lan was to depict then 6 Americans as part of a Canadian film crew visiting Iran for a science fiction movie. However, due to certain mistakes on part of the group, the revolutionaries find out about the escape of these Americans. Due to limited time, the Americans had to be taken out of the country immediately. After certain last time escapes, the Americans are able to pass through airport security and reach home safely. However, the film has been criticized for being biased and not portraying the true facts of the actual events. According to The New Yorker, which is a US based newspaper, the film termed to idea of making a movie to rescue the six Americans as being ridiculous. It also comments on the representation of the Hollywood industry as being deceitful as well as the fake directors and actors which were hired for pure execution of their plan. It also shows severe criticism of the style showed during the film of the era in Iran. According to this article, the camera work is not up to the mark as well. As stated earlier, a movie based on historical events should show facts of the actual events but even this article states that this was not done so in this film. It includes that the real account of events as stated by Paul Mendez himself do not show any kind of a disruption or a problem during the passage of the hostages through the airport but the film follows a different storyline showing a number of events and actions in order to fill it with drama. The ending of the movie was also criticized for the same reasons as being far away from what actually happened. Overall, the movie did not receive a good review from The New Yorker in terms of the depiction of the actual events of the history (Film within a film, Web). According to The Telegraph of the UK, the strongest point of the movie is the execution of the storyline and the depiction of the Iranian revolutionaries. According to it, the recreation of the era is 1970s is exceptionally good as far as th e style of the actors is concerned. The dialogues are reviewed to be fast moving and appropriate with the scenes of US adopting a humorous approach whereas Iranian scenes were a bit serious based on the nature of events that took place. The talents of the director are praised, particularly the way he depicted and mixed the emotions of fear and violence. According to it, this movie may not have shown the facts of the act

Friday, August 23, 2019

Pros and Cons of Our Human and Social Society Essay

Pros and Cons of Our Human and Social Society - Essay Example When we look around, some of the most trivial illustrations of a human’s need for order that we all frequently witness may be: bookmarks in a student’s textbook separating the chapters for quicker reference in future, index of a journal, a library catalog, tagging at a shoe store or labeling of inventory at a factory. During the day we come across many such other tools that the human mind evolved to make life simpler and efficient, which escape our notice. But when we view our environment broadly, one man-made simplification mechanism that we largely depend on is technology. Bringing more and more technology in daily life is one major means that the humans adopted to deal with the chaos around them. Dependence over technology is inevitable since it seamlessly caters not only the human need for order but it also saves time. Every person, regardless of his profession or his station in society, would fall in with the fact that technology not only makes life simpler but quicker too. Every system of our society may it be a home, a school, a hospital, an office or an industry, runs on technology today. Globalization was unthinkable before the origin of technology. So I think it would not be wrong to state that technology itself is a way of life. Moving on, let us shift towards the less tangible yet apparent mechanism of chaos-management brought into being by mankind i.e. multi-tasking. The bookish definition of human multitasking is that it is highest level of productive usage on ones capability of handling multiple tasks at the same time. An example of multitasking is talking on the phone while walking on the footpath and munching a burger all together. The necessity of multitasking stemmed from the human need to make up for the ever-deficient time while bringing order to his daily life. Having said that, lets flip the coin, and analyze the other side of the subject; bringing orderliness to daily life to

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Classical and Positive Theory Essay Example for Free

Classical and Positive Theory Essay Classical Philosophy emphasizes on human rationality and freedom. Some classical writings are written by Plato, Aristotle, Boethius and St. Thomas of Aquinas. These writers of the ancient and medieval school are still relevant to the philosophical thoughts of today. Nation begins to turn from feudalism and the modern world based its governance on rational decision making. Classical thinking also compels justice system to give varying degrees of swift punishment to offenders. Classical school of rational thoughts believes that suffering is an integral part of human existence and since man is ordained the highest among the created things he is lord over them which means that what controls man is his free own will. His freedom is based on the fear of pain and death or punishment which makes him control his behavior. Since man is free it means free to choose what is good as dictated by the moral norms and the authority governing its people. In this way, the State ought to enforce law in an organized and equitable way. Being free does not intend to do what one wishes to do but choosing what is right. It’s relevance in today’s happening is the way how truth is safeguarded in this present society in which sometimes sins becomes a virtue. The classical minded protagonist’s defended and defined what is rational and irrational; it distinguishes the upright conscience from the deformed and seemingly lax consciences. Man is therefore relegated to its higher end and in the belief that life is worthwhile. 2) Positivist Theory What factors contributed to the intellectual heritage of positivism? How does the positivist theory apply in the modern world today, if at all? Positive theory is a search of multiple factors that causes human behavior (CLASSICAL AND POSITIVIST SCHOOLS OF CRIMINOLOGY, 2005). Positivism is a way of seeing things around us based on the actual happenings in the material world. That human endeavor has a pattern in which a person can discover in the natural way. Once the patterns are discovered we can deduce the information into small portions where we can analyze and learn the facts about the whole thing. The method of learning is perceived objectively, open minded view to the world. Positive law can be used to change an organization based on the observable scientific data. The application of natural sciences is applied to the study of human behavior. Positive theory as applied in the modern world could be environmental and biological and sometimes evolutionary which means that traits can be passed on through heredity. A positivist’s judge rejects the idea that criminal behavior is a result of free will but sought the understanding of the bad action through scientific method. However some psychologists believed that we could diminish the criminal populace by partial elimination which advocates death for those with permanent psychological abnormalities. The first indicates that man is not responsible of his action and the later concept is contrary to the moral norms and is not acceptable to a humane and free society. References CLASSICAL AND POSITIVIST SCHOOLS OF CRIMINOLOGY [Electronic. (2005). Version]. Retrieved 05 November 2007, from http://faculty. ncwc. edu/toconnor/301/301lect02. htm

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Native Americans in the United States and European Colonists Essay Example for Free

Native Americans in the United States and European Colonists Essay Early encounters between American Indians and European colonists led to a variety of relationships among the different cultures. Analyze how the actions taken by BOTH American Indians and European colonists shaped those relationships in TWO of the following regions. Confine your answer to the 1600s. Early relationships between American Indians and European colonists differed among the dissimilar cultures. The encounters between the American Indians and the New England Colonists ended in betrayal and bitterness while the relationships between the Indians and the Spanish Southwest was violent and hateful. In New England during November of 1620, the first European colonists arrived to establish Plymouth Colony. During the harsh winter, half of the colonists had perished. When the surviving colonists arrived, a couple of Indians came to help them. The Indians taught the colonists how to grow and fertilize corn crops. Soon, the Europeans became successful farmers and began trading with Indians for fur. As the Europeans became more self-sufficient, they turned their firearms at the Wampanoag Indians and forced them to declare English Sovereignty. For generations, the aggression toward the Wampanoag Indians from Europeans continued. After years of hostility toward the Indians, the governor or Plymouth received information that the Wampanoag chief, Metacom was planning a war against the English. The Indian who provided the information to the English was named Sassamon and was known as a â€Å"faithful Indian† to the English. He was murdered by the Indians for betraying them. Soon after in 1675, the English hung three Wampanoag Indians thus beginning King Philip’s war. This war resulted in stopping the Indian’s resistance to colonial expansion and wiped out approximately forty percent of the Native American population in New England.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Psychological Assessment of Richard Ramirez

Psychological Assessment of Richard Ramirez Purpose of Assessment Richard Ramirez, also known as the Night Stalker is currently sentenced to capital punishment for multiple counts of murder, attempted murder, sexual assaults, and burglaries. For a final request before his death, Mr. Ramirez has requested a psychological assessment be conducted as to evaluate his mental health when committing his crimes. In order to conduct the assessment, I will be reviewing Mr. Ramirezs criminal history and prior events leading up to his crimes analyzing any patterns relevant to the assessment. In concluding the review of Mr. Ramirezs history, I will conduct a psychological assessment and determine in my professional view any mental illness Mr. Ramirez has and state the symptoms he may have using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DMS-V; American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Description of the Crime Between the years of 1984 and 1985, Mr. Ramirez committed several acts of sexual assault, murder, attempted murder, and burglaries until his arrest on August 29, 1985 (Crime Investigation, 2014). Mr. Ramirezs first victim, Jennie Vincow, was burglarized and sexually assaulted during a burglary in her home (Crime Investigation, 2014). Nine months after the death of Jennie Vincow, Mr. Ramirez attacked Angela Barrios and killed her roommate, Dayle Okazaki (Crime Investigation, 2014). However, unsatisfied with the results from his assault that evening, Mr. Ramirez stabbed Tsai Lian Yu in the same night (Crime Investigation, 2014). Throughout the next five months, Mr. Ramirez repeated the same assault with his victims, in which, his attacks escalated rapidly that had murdered, injured, and sexually assaulted 22 other people until his arrest (Crime Investigation, 2014). Prior to his criminal convictions, Mr. Ramirez had a criminal record from his youth that had began with petty crimes such as robberies in 1977 placing him in juvenile detention (Crime Investigation, 2014). Years later, Mr. Ramirez engaged in criminal acts such as burglary and car theft in 1983 which led to a sentence in jail where he was released in April 1984. Psychological History Mr. Ramirezs social history has exhibited persistent patterns of exposure of criminal behaviour and violence. At and early age, Mr. Ramirez was exposed to an abusive nature as his father was abusive (Famous People, 2016). During his childhood, Mr. Ramirez was influenced by his older cousin, named Mike, which had told and shown pictures of violent acts that he acquired while serving in the Vietnamese War, introduced Mr. Ramirez to drugs, and had killed his wife in the presence of Mr. Ramirez (Crime Investigation, 2014). As an adolescent, Mr. Ramirez moved to San Francisco, then Los Angeles. While residing in San Francisco and Los Angeles, he had continued petty theft crimes to fuel his drug addiction as he then used cocaine and LSDs, which led Mr. Ramirez in an interest of Satanism (Famous People, 2016). With being exposed to violence and crime, Mr. Ramirez dropped out of high school and ventured into criminal acts (Famous People, 2016) Current Psychological Functioning In this section of the assessment, I will conduct an analysis of Mr. Ramirezs criminal history and the relationship between any potential mental disorders that may lead to any recidivism. This section will discuss two subtopics. First, I will provide a quick assessment of Mr. Ramirez in relations to Conduct Disorder and the symptoms outlined by Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder (DSM-V; American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Second, I will then assess Mr. Ramirez for psychopathy using the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R; Hare, 2016). Conduct Disorder According to the Diagnosis and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder (American Psychiatric Association, 2013), Conduct Disorder refers to a repetitive and persistent pattern of behaviour in which the basic rights of others or major age-appropriate societal norms or rules are violated (p. 469). In order to be diagnosed with Conduct Disorder at least three of the following 15 criteria must be shown within 12 months, with at least one characteristic present within 6 months (American Psychiatric Association, 2013): Bullies, threatens or intimidates others Often initiates physical fights Has used a weapon that can seriously cause physical harm to others Has been physically cruel to people Has been physically cruel to animals Has stolen while confronting victim Has forced someone into sexual activity Deliberately engaged in fire setting with intention of causing serious damage Destroyed others property (other than fire setting) Broken into someone elses house, building, or car Often lies to obtain goods, favours, or to avoid obligations Stolen items of nontrivial value without confronting the victim Staying out at night despite parental prohibitions Runs away from home overnight at least twice while living with a guardian or once without returning for a lengthy period of time Is often missing from school Based on the details of Mr. Ramirezs report and the diagnosis of Conduct Disorder that Mr. Ramirez does acquire the symptoms of the mental illness. Mr. Ramirez exhibits ten out of the possible symptoms listed above. During childhood and adolescent years, Mr. Ramirez would have often dealt with using drugs with his older cousin, Mike, and missed/dropped out of school to pursue a life of crime. With all of his victims, Mr. Ramirez has displayed violent intentions by intimidating, torturing, and sexually assaulting his victims before physically harming or killing them with either a knife or a gun. In assaulting and murdering his victims, Mr. Ramirez would initially engage in burglarizing his victims houses and cars. The Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) The definition of psychopathy can be defined as persuasive emotional and interpersonal deficits, impulsivity and antisocially (Hosker-Field, Molnar, Book, 2016). To measure psychopathy on an individual, the use of a psychological instrument called a Psychopathy Checklist-Revised is used as it assesses the characteristics of psychopathy by reviewing any reports, interviews, or various sources of the individual to determine their level of psychopathy (Storey, Hart, Cooke, Michie, 2016). During the assessment of the PCL-R, it is comprised of two factors. The first factor or Factor 1, is comprised of the interpersonal and affective characteristics of psychopathy (Hare Neumann, 2010). The second factor or Factor 2 reflects more of the antisocial characteristics of the individual (Hare Neumann, 2010). The total of characteristics being applied are 12 with six characteristics in both factors. On a point system of 0 to 2, a score of 18 and over out of 24 will determine that the individua l is have psychopathy. A score that is 12 or under will determine that the individual is a non-psychopath. As a result of the PCL-R assessment, Mr. Ramirez had scored a 9 out of a possible 12 in Factor 1, and scored a 9 out of a possible 12 in Factor 2. In conclusion, Mr. Ramirez, in my professional opinion meets the criteria of being a psychopath in the assessment of the PCL-R. Relevant Psychological Function Based on Mr. Ramirezs criminal history and the early exposure of violent and criminal life events, the most relevant theory for understanding his criminal behaviour is the trauma-control model. Trauma-control model argues that with the combination of predispositional factors, such as biological, sociological, and psychological factors, and early traumatic events interact with other factors over the individuals life may determine their criminal psychopathy (Correction Service Canada, 2007). At a young age, Mr. Ramirez witnessed his cousin, Mike, killed his wife, which may have increased his development of psychopathy and with being surrounded with criminal and violent influences it could have increasingly developed his psychopathy even more when Mr. Ramirez started to use drugs such as cocaine and LSD (Famous People, 2016). Relating trauma-control model to Mr. Ramirezs history, by residing in an environment that had engaged with criminal, violent, and drug abuse activities it increase d the development of psychopathy. References Hare, R. D., Neumann, C. S. (2010). The role of antisociality in the psychopathy construct: Comment on Skeem and Cooke (2010). Psychological Assessment, 22(2), 446-454. doi:10.1037/a0013635 Hosker-Field, A. M., Molnar, D. S., Book, A. S. (2016). Psychopathy and risk taking: Examining the role of risk perception. Personality and Individual Differences, 91, 123-132. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2015.11.059 Storey, J. E., Hart, S. D., Cooke, D. J., Michie, C. (2016). Psychometric properties of the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) in a representative sample of Canadian federal offenders. Law and Human Behavior, 40(2), 136-146. doi:10.1037/lhb0000174 Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5. (2013). Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association. Richard Ramirez Biography. (2016). Retrieved November 15, 2016, from Richard Ramirez: The Night Stalker. (2014). Retrieved November 13, 2016, from The Role of Escalating Paraphilic Fantasies and Behaviours in Sexual, Sadistic, and Serial Violence: A Review of Theoretical Models. (2007). Retrieved November 13, 2016, from (2007). Retrieved November 13, 2016, from Dhingra, K., Boduszek, D. (2013). Psychopathy and criminal behaviour: A psychosocial research perspective.  Journal of Criminal Psychology,  3(2), 83-107. doi:10.1108/jcp-06-2013-0014 Hare, R. D. (2016). Psychopathy, the PCL-R, and criminal justice: Some new findings and current issure.  Canadian Psychology/Psychologie Canadiene, 57  (1), 21-34. doi:10.1037/cap0000041 Hare, R. D., Mcpherson, L. M. (1984). Violent and aggressive behavior by criminal psychopaths.  International Journal of Law and Psychiatry,  7(1), 35-50. doi:10.1016/0160-2527(84)90005-0 Appendix A Psychopathy-Checklist Revised (Class Version) Factor 1 (Emotional/Interpersonal Symptoms) Item 1: Glib and Superficial0 1 2 Presentation is shallow and difficult to believe Display of emotions do not appear genuine Attempts to portray self in a positive light Tell unlikely stories; has convincing explanations for behaviour Uses technical language and jargon, often inappropriately Conversation and interpersonal behaviour are engaging Item 2: Egocentric and Grandiose0 1 2 View of abilities and self worth are inflated Self-assured and opinionated Exaggerates status and reputation Considers circumstances to be result of bad luck Sees self as the victim of the system Displays little concern for the future Item 3: Lack of Remorse/Guilt..0 1 2 Appears to have no capacity for guilt/no conscience Verbalizes remorse in an insincere manner Displays little emotion to actions Does not appreciate impact on others Concerned more with own suffering than with that of others Item 4: Lack of Empathy0 1 2 Cold and callous Indifferent to the feelings of others Unable to appreciate the emotional consequences of others Item 5: Deceitful and Manipulative0 1 2 Manipulates without concern for the rights of others Distorts the truth Deceives with self-assurance and with no apparent anxiety A fraud artist or con man Enjoys deceiving others Item 6: Shallow Emotions..0 1 2 Expressed emotions are shallow and labile Verbal and non-verbal expressions of emotion are inconsistent Factor 2 (Social Deviance Symptoms) Item 7: Impulsive.0 1 2 Does things on the spur of the moment (including crimes); spends little time considering the consequences of actions Frequently changes jobs, schools, or relationships A drifter; lives a nomadic lifestyle with frequent changes of residence Item 8: Poor Behavioural Controls0 1 2 Easily angered or frustrated, especially when drinking Often verbally abusive (swears, makes threats) Often physically abusive (breaks or throws objects; pushes, slaps, or punches people) Abuse may be sudden and unprovoked Outbursts are often short-lived Item 9: Need for Excitement.0 1 2 Easily bored; has difficulty doing things that require sustained attention Likes to do things that are exciting, risky, and dangerous Item 10: Lack of Responsibility.0 1 2 Behaviour frequently causes hardship to others or puts them at risk Unreliable as a spouse or parent; lacks commitment to relationships, fails to care adequate for children; etc. Job performance is inadequate; is frequently late, absent, etc., Untrustworthy with money; has been in trouble for defaulting on loans, not paying bills, not paying child support Item 11: Early Behaviour Problems.0 1 2 Conduct problems at home and at school as an adolescent In trouble with the law as a youth/minor Antisocial activities were varied and frequent Item 12: Adult Anti-social Behaviour0 1 2 Disregards rules and regulations; has had legal problems as an adult Has been charged with or convicted of criminal offences Antisocial activities are varied and frequent

Monday, August 19, 2019

Joseph Stalin :: Essays Papers

Joseph Stalin Joseph Stalin was born on Dec. 21, 1876 in Gori, Georgia. Joseph Stalin’s original name was Iosef Vissaronovich Ozhungashvili, but he adopted his name to Joseph Stalin which means, â€Å"man of steel† (World Book 825). His fathers’ name was Vissarion Ivanovich Djugashvili. His father was a drunk and had a job being a shoemaker. Since Joseph’s father didn’t make much money Joseph’s mom, Ekaterina Gleladaz Djugaholi, who became a washerwoman to help support her family. The Stalin’s lived in a small shack, and Joseph was an only child. When Joseph was a young boy Stalin’s father left him. In 1888 Stalin was sent to a church school in Gori (World Book 825). He spent 5 years there and was a brilliant student. Stalin received a scholarship at the religious seminary in Tbilisi. To a surprise, Stalin entered his school to study priesthood in the Georgian Orthodox Church in the year 1984 (World Book 825). In 1898, Stalin joined a secret Marxist revolutionary group (World Book 825). Stalin got expelled from his school for not appearing for an examination. Stalin joined a Marxist movement and when it split in 1903, he went with more radical Bolsheviks. In 1904 he married but his wife died of tuberculosis after 3 years (World Book 825). He married again in 1919, but his 2nd wife killed herself, leaving Stalin with a son and daughter (World Book 825). The son became an alcoholic and his daughter defected to the United States During Stalin’s underground career he was arrested at least 6 times and spent time as an exile in Siberia. He engaged in robbery, murder, labor agitation, and served as editor and writer for various newspapers, where he first used the name â€Å"Stalin† (The Red Tsar When the communist come to power in 1922 Stalin got a great position as a Secretary General of Communist Party (World Book 826). Before Lenin died he thought that Stalin was too vicious of a man. Lenin wrote a note to Leon Trotsky to succeed him. Stalin had Lenin’s note suppressed and joined with two other members the Poliboro to defeat Trotsky. Then Stalin turned on the two who helped him defeat Trotsky and by 1928 had made himself the dictator of the Soviet Union (The Red Tsar With power in his hand Stalin began his â€Å"five-year plan.† The plan was to industrialize the country, a program that went hand-in-hand with a plan to bring all agriculture under state country.

How To Enter A Nine-ball Tournament :: essays research papers

How to Play Tournament Nine-ball   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  People may think that spending eight dollars on a tournament is a waste of money. Every Sunday I go to Millertime Billiards and enter a nine-ball tournament. I never go in thinking that I’m going to win at least my entry fee back, although it would be nice. On the other hand, I always go in knowing that I will walk out understanding more about the game then the night before. The tournament starts at 7:30 p.m., but the entry fee must be paid before that. After paying, all there is to do is wait. When they call your name and table it’s time to play. It’s a race to four wins. To keep track of the games place a coin under the middle diamond. Every game won constitutes a move of the coin one diamond. The winner goes to the front counter and gives them the results. The loser of the first game doesn’t have to go home. The tournament is double elimination. After the first game is lost, the player goes down to the loser’s bracket. One loss in there means it’s time to go home, or at least sit down and wait for the nine-ball break. The winner of the loser’s bracket is guaranteed second place. To get first place the winner of the loser bracket will have to beat the winner of the winner’s bracket twice. After they establish and record all the winners and losers for the forth round they call all the people who entered the tournament down to table 5 for the nine-ball break. The racks are usually set up by an A player or better. Three names are drawn out of a box. Everybody that got there name picked gets two chances to drop the nine-ball on the break unless the person before them already hit it in. Two dollars of the entry fee go toward the pot for the winner.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

pay equity :: essays research papers

The American Association of University Women (AAUW) has long fought to end wage discrimination. Despite the Equal Pay Act and many improvements in women’s economic status over the past 40 years, wage discrimination still persists. AAUW continues to believe that pay equity—economic equity—is a simple matter of justice and strongly supports initiatives that seek to close the persistent and sizable wage gaps between men and women. The effects of pay inequity reach far. According to a 1999 study by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research and the AFL-CIO, based on U.S. Census Bureau and Bureau of Labor statistics, women who work full time earn just 74 cents for every dollar men earn. That equals $148 less each week, or $7,696 a year. Women of color who work full time are paid even less, only 64 cents for every dollar men earn—$210 less per week and $11,440 less per year. With a record 64 million women in the workforce, pay discrimination hurts the majority of American families. Families lose $200 billion in income annually to the wage gap—an average loss of more than $4,000 for each working family. In addition, wage discrimination lowers total lifetime earnings, thereby reducing women’s benefits from Social Security and pension plans. Wage inequalities are not a result of women’s qualifications or choices. Wage discrimination persists despite women’s increased educational attainment, greater level of experience in workforce, and decreased amount of time spent out of the workforce raising children. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Education. Although the number of women attaining baccalaureate and advanced degrees now surpasses the number of men, in 1999 the median wages of female college graduates were $14,665 less than those of male graduates. College-educated African American women earn only $1,500 more than white male high school graduates. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Experience. Women gain only approximately 30 cents per hour for five additional years of work experience, compared to $1. pay equity :: essays research papers The American Association of University Women (AAUW) has long fought to end wage discrimination. Despite the Equal Pay Act and many improvements in women’s economic status over the past 40 years, wage discrimination still persists. AAUW continues to believe that pay equity—economic equity—is a simple matter of justice and strongly supports initiatives that seek to close the persistent and sizable wage gaps between men and women. The effects of pay inequity reach far. According to a 1999 study by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research and the AFL-CIO, based on U.S. Census Bureau and Bureau of Labor statistics, women who work full time earn just 74 cents for every dollar men earn. That equals $148 less each week, or $7,696 a year. Women of color who work full time are paid even less, only 64 cents for every dollar men earn—$210 less per week and $11,440 less per year. With a record 64 million women in the workforce, pay discrimination hurts the majority of American families. Families lose $200 billion in income annually to the wage gap—an average loss of more than $4,000 for each working family. In addition, wage discrimination lowers total lifetime earnings, thereby reducing women’s benefits from Social Security and pension plans. Wage inequalities are not a result of women’s qualifications or choices. Wage discrimination persists despite women’s increased educational attainment, greater level of experience in workforce, and decreased amount of time spent out of the workforce raising children. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Education. Although the number of women attaining baccalaureate and advanced degrees now surpasses the number of men, in 1999 the median wages of female college graduates were $14,665 less than those of male graduates. College-educated African American women earn only $1,500 more than white male high school graduates. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Experience. Women gain only approximately 30 cents per hour for five additional years of work experience, compared to $1.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Inspirational Speech

LET’S MAKE IT BETTER!!! LONDON UNDERGROUND TRANSPORT FOR LONDON 21ST OF OCTOBER 2010. Dear All My Colleagues London underground started its journey in 1863 and since then it has been Londoners one of the most dependable transportation system. You are the people who keep it alive and running. With your continuous effort and hard work we are giving our best service to our customers. You all deserve a big thank you for all your dedication towards making underground better. Our journey is not always easy. We have to been through many ups and downs. I am still scared thinking about 7/7 incident.We had a big blow that day but we have managed very well to be on track. We tried our best to run our trains as soon as possible after the bombing incident. I still feel sorry for all who have been died or affected on that day and hope we will never have to face this kind of things again. â€Å"Man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed, but not defeated. †[i] We will not be d efeated; we don’t know how to lose. It’s our holy duty to make sure all Londoners can travel safety and comfort. We will take LU to a high standard that can be example for the other world.Our vision is to deliver a world-class Underground for a world-class city. This is a realistic goal, and we have made great strides, but there are still challenges to overcome before our transformation of the Tube is complete. [ii] Recently we have some staff disagreement and Londoners have faces two consecutive tubes strike this and last month. It has affected London very badly and costs at least ? 50 million pounds and disrupts millions of journeys. [iii] Our strategy is to combine a reliable train service with the highest standards of customer care – something we take from our heritage.So if there is any kind of disagreement it should be solved in table not by stopping Londoners life. Because all the member of public pay to travel and also billions of pounds of tax payers mo ney into it. Our challenge is to keep London moving while we transform the Tube. To overcome the legacy of under-investment, we have embarked on a massive investment programme to deliver the extra capacity needed to keep pace with rising demand. The level of renewal and refurbishment work is on a scale unseen for more than 60 years.It presents a major challenge: maintaining the service during the biggest rebuilding programme the Underground has ever seen. So we really need your motivation and inspiration to make LU better. Without your afford our all investment and planning would go into ruin. I believe with your help and support London Underground will be people’s best choice for transportation and will create an excellence. Thank You HR Personnel London Underground. ———————– [i] Ernest Hemingway [ii] TFL. GOV. UK [iii] The Daily Telegraph Inspirational Speech LET’S MAKE IT BETTER!!! LONDON UNDERGROUND TRANSPORT FOR LONDON 21ST OF OCTOBER 2010. Dear All My Colleagues London underground started its journey in 1863 and since then it has been Londoners one of the most dependable transportation system. You are the people who keep it alive and running. With your continuous effort and hard work we are giving our best service to our customers. You all deserve a big thank you for all your dedication towards making underground better. Our journey is not always easy. We have to been through many ups and downs. I am still scared thinking about 7/7 incident.We had a big blow that day but we have managed very well to be on track. We tried our best to run our trains as soon as possible after the bombing incident. I still feel sorry for all who have been died or affected on that day and hope we will never have to face this kind of things again. â€Å"Man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed, but not defeated. †[i] We will not be d efeated; we don’t know how to lose. It’s our holy duty to make sure all Londoners can travel safety and comfort. We will take LU to a high standard that can be example for the other world.Our vision is to deliver a world-class Underground for a world-class city. This is a realistic goal, and we have made great strides, but there are still challenges to overcome before our transformation of the Tube is complete. [ii] Recently we have some staff disagreement and Londoners have faces two consecutive tubes strike this and last month. It has affected London very badly and costs at least ? 50 million pounds and disrupts millions of journeys. [iii] Our strategy is to combine a reliable train service with the highest standards of customer care – something we take from our heritage.So if there is any kind of disagreement it should be solved in table not by stopping Londoners life. Because all the member of public pay to travel and also billions of pounds of tax payers mo ney into it. Our challenge is to keep London moving while we transform the Tube. To overcome the legacy of under-investment, we have embarked on a massive investment programme to deliver the extra capacity needed to keep pace with rising demand. The level of renewal and refurbishment work is on a scale unseen for more than 60 years.It presents a major challenge: maintaining the service during the biggest rebuilding programme the Underground has ever seen. So we really need your motivation and inspiration to make LU better. Without your afford our all investment and planning would go into ruin. I believe with your help and support London Underground will be people’s best choice for transportation and will create an excellence. Thank You HR Personnel London Underground. ———————– [i] Ernest Hemingway [ii] TFL. GOV. UK [iii] The Daily Telegraph

Friday, August 16, 2019

Roles and Functions Paper

HCS 325 Roles and Functions Paper 10/22/12 The four major functions in managing health care accurately are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Managing health care is important especially for employees and your place of business (Lombardi). These factors ensure quality service without any rest stops or burdens being an issue. Within the health care field, employees usually have trouble with communicating with the higher authority due to issues and lack of time.Planning is important to ensure that goals are being set and that the future looks brighter than what it already is. Planning comes along with meeting needs and focusing on the employees well being. Organizing is ensuring that all things are done and made on time (Hagemann). Organizing comes along with ensuring that there is no time to make residents/patients wait for care. Leading is one of the most important parts of management because this can leave a reputation that either looks good or bad.This is the time wher e employees should offer suggestions and speak up on any problems that they may have on the job. This is also the time to set goals for employees to meet by a certain period. This gives the manager time enough to challenge those who work under him so that he/ she can get a hint of what assignments should be given to what employees based off how they perform. Controlling is very important because this way everyone is following guidelines and rules along with working as a team rather than individual performance.Employees should be able to call on one another to help each other out so that no one feels left behind or less than. (Hedlund) The most important role for a health care manager and leader throughout a diversified health industry is to maintain balance meaning always be sure that everyone is comfortable as well as equality towards each individual. The manger should have different innovative ways that will cover a diversified health care industry. I will love to gain more inform ation about how to be more of a leader than a manager in a health care setting. T * The References * Lombardi, D. N. , & Schermerhorn, J. R. (2007). Health care management: Tools and techniques for managing in a health care environment. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. * Hagemann, Bonnie; Stroope, Saundra. T+D. Jul2012, Vol. 66 Issue 7, p58-61. 4p. 1 Color Photograph * Hedlund, Nancy; Esparza, Angelina; Calhoun, Elizabeth; Yates, Jerome. Physician Executive. Sep/Oct2012, Vol. 38 Issue 5, p6-12. 6p. 1 Color Photograph, 1 Diagram. Roles and Functions Paper Managers in the health care field have many important roles and functions. As the health care system continues to evolve, sound management is critical to the survival of health care institutions (Johnson, 2005). Every manger’s main duty is to succeed in helping the organization achieve high performance while utilizing all of the organization’s human and material resources (Lombardi and Schermerhorn, 2007). Mangers in the health care field must strive to improve daily operations and make future planning on ways to improve efficiency and productivity. According to Lombardi and Schermerhorn (2007), on a daily basis health care managers must recognize performance problems and opportunities, make good decisions, and take appropriate action. This is achieved by using the process of management; planning, organizing, controlling the use of resources, and leading to accomplish performance goals. One of the day–to-day responsibilities of a health care manager is informing the team members about what is expected of them. Health care mangers must also recruit, train and develop team members (Lombardi and Schermerhorn, 2007). Other responsibilities are the following: coordinating with other teams, plan meetings, figure out the work schedules, and clarify goals and tasks. The most important responsibility of a health care manger I believe a health care manager has is to ensure that each team member has the tools he or she needs to be productive. Mangers must also take on certain roles in order to ensure that team members are being productive. There are three categories that the roles of a health care manager fall in; interpersonal roles, informational roles, and decisional roles. Interpersonal roles involve interactions with people inside an outside the unit (Lombardi and Schermerhorn, 2007). Informational roles of a health care manager involve giving, receiving, and analyzing information. Finally, the decisional roles of a health care manger involve using information for decision making, problem solving, and addressing opportunities (Lombardi and Schermerhorn, 2007). The most important role of a health care manger I believe is giving, receiving, and analyzing information because communication between management and team members ensure that the needs and wants are being met. There are many responsibilities and roles a health care manger must fulfill. The most important responsibility of a health care manger I believe a health care manager has is to ensure that each team member has the tools he or she needs to be productive. The most important role of a health care manger I believe is giving, receiving, and analyzing information because communication between management and team members ensure that the needs and wants are being met. By completing this course I hope to learn more about the responsibilities and roles of health care mangers. I would also like to apply what I have learned while taking this course to my work habits, so that I can improve my management skills.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Duke Ellington: the Music, Politics, and His Story Essay

Duke Ellington was a musical and political genius; he was â€Å"America’s only original musical mind. † He was not only a performer, but a composer. He learned the craft of composing by observing others instead of disciplined study. One important factor of Ellington’s music was its relation to black heritage and African American history. His symphony â€Å"Black, Brown, and Beige† displayed the African American struggle in America. Not only did Ellington use his music to portray the struggle, voice, and triumph of black Americans, he used his professionalism, originality, persuasiveness, and political performances. Edward Kennedy Ellington was born in 1899 and composed, arranged, and performed music for the majority of his life. Ellington was born and raised in a middle-class family in Washington D. C. , and that is where he first acquired his racial beliefs. During his grade school years, an emphasis of identity, pride, and history was instilled in the minds of him and his classmates. He was taught to command respect, not demand it. This meant that he was to act and speak in a respectable manner if he expected to be respected. He first began taking piano lessons at the age of seven but did not have particular interest in the trade at that time. In high school, he became interested in ragtime music. Also in his high school years, he acquired the nickname â€Å"Duke† because of his exotic choice of attire, and today, many believe that is his actual name. At age sixteen, Ellington was inspired by a â€Å"hot† pianist and decided that he wanted to be able to play like that. His knowledge of music was predominantly learned by ear, although he eventually learned to read music and took harmony lessons. Although he did have some music lessons, most of his musical mastery was self-taught by experimentation. Ellington became a professional pianist by the remarkable age of seventeen. Music was not his only artistic interest; he also excelled at visual arts. He was awarded an art scholarship to the Pratt Institute, but he preferred to play gigs instead. Duke eventually started a band of his own, originally containing only four players other than him. As the band expanded, he used the new members as resources to create a better product. Ellington and his band began a six-month residency at the New York Hurricane restaurant. There, he accompanied floor shows until he became the featured artist and broadcasted on the radio. In 1927 after the residency, he and his orchestra known as the Washingtonians moved to the Cotton Club in Harlem. He and his band were said to have â€Å"put the Cotton Club on the map†. While at the Cotton Club, his music was often referred to as â€Å"jungle music† due to his band’s trademark use of plunger mutes to create growling sounds. Often while his orchestra played, there would also be a skit being performed that was nearly primitive. At the Cotton Club, the families of African American performers had to sit in a separate section of the audience. Although Ellington was upset by this, he continued to perform at the Cotton Club because it was his opportunity to enhance his career and popularity. Duke always made sure that he and his band were dressed and behaved as gentleman in order to represent African American pride, beauty, and artistry. Unlike other African American artists of the time, Ellington’s compositions were used for the sake of listening purposes, in comparison to just background music. Silence was demanded. People who broke the silence were given a warning and then asked to leave if they disregarded that warning. This was the first time an African American band was regularly broadcasted nationally. As Duke’s music gained popularity, this became many white Americans’ first encounter with African American music. A radio popularity poll concurred: â€Å"They are heartily admired by the white as the colored people. † One of Ellington’s most prominent composing techniques was that he composed parts for the particular individual in the band rather than the different instruments. When he wrote a composition, he did so with the characteristic sound of the soloist in mind. An example of a musician with a distinctive sound is Johnny Hodges. Johnny Hodges was a member of Duke’s orchestra who had â€Å"complete independence of expression†, Ellington said. Ellington also stated that Hodges was the only man he knew who could pick up a cold horn and still play in tune. The specific sound of the individual was so important to a piece that if a member was to leave, the composition would almost always be omitted. Solos were atypically transferred to another musician. When Ellington composed pieces, he only had his own band in mind. This is why his orchestra’s sound cannot be imitated without sounding watered down. The unique style and tone qualities of the individuals made the orchestra nearly impossible to replicate. One thing that was often misunderstood about Ellington’s career was that he had two of them: bandleader and composer. He was famous for recording his own compositions as well as endorsements. He often composed music all through the night, and it has been said that he never went a day without composing something, whether it be a couple lines of a song or an entire piece. He would write music whenever and wherever he had the time to do it. Once, he even had to write a piece by the light of his band manager consecutively lighting matches. Ellington believed that music allowed him to express himself without reservation. Music, unlike words, provided Ellington with a way to express himself in a less controversial manner. It was a non-confrontational approach to expressing his beliefs to the world. In his compositions, he rarely wrote articulations, dynamics, or tempos. He expected the section leaders to decide the style indications. It is commonly know that Duke had finesse for placing an emphasis on colors in his compositions. The colors he used in the titles of his pieces often symbolized racial issues. He did a lot of experimenting with tone and color. Most of his music was instrumental and few incorporated lyrics. Some say his music is reminiscent of Bach. He mostly wrote short compositions with improvised solos, but when he did compose larger arrangements, they were often criticized for having a lack of inner coherence. He used the element of surprise instead of chorus succession to unify the arrangements. Ellington relied on sudden contrasts in theme, tempo, and key. He would also interchange swinging and non-swinging melodies. Some critics argued that his music should be danceable all of the time. Ellington clearly disagreed. Ellington’s compositions differed from other artists’ of his time because he employed a variety of instruments. Not only did he integrate a reed section, brass section, and rhythm section; he featured a valve trombone, a saxophone trio, and a baritone saxophonist who unusually played high notes. The reed section often provided the melody rather than the typical brass section. Ellington would apply asymmetrical themes such as parallel saxophone parts and improvised piano parts. He eventually stopped referring to his music as jazz. He called it â€Å"freedom of expression†. Ellington wanted to express the struggle of the Negro in his music, â€Å"We put the Negro feeling and spirit in our music. † Although his message was very serious, his music generally uplifted and entertained audiences around the world. When Ellington wrote compositions, he allocated certain measures for improvised solos. While it may seem that all of the solos in Ellington’s pieces are improvised, he actually composed the solos to seem as if they were improvised. This became known as â€Å"preconceived improvisation†. Only minor improvisations were allowed during the solos. In 1940, Ellington reached the peak of his compositional career. African American media deemed Duke Ellington the â€Å"race man† because he changed the image of African Americans in mass media. He was the first African American artist taken seriously without stereotypes. His music described the life of black Americans. He exuded his love of Harlem through is compositions. He used color in his music to radiate his appreciation and understanding of African Americans. His early arrangements represented the struggle of blacks during the Great Depression. Ellington was a strong believer that music could undermine the labels associated with how African Americans dressed and acted. His concern with blacks being portrayed as primitive encouraged him to strive to create a new identity for blacks in America through music. Ellington learned at a young age that a positive demeanor was crucial in order to earn respect. Since he was taught this so early, he always tried to be professional and as efficient as possible. He spoke of the significance of having a dignified stature and level of sophistication. Through radio, sound recordings, sheet music, advertising, and stagecraft; Ellington changed people’s conceptions of race and culture. In his advertising techniques, he focused on creating an image of desegregation. Black and white entertainers began to share advertising space, which was one step toward African American equality. His overall goal was to conquer racial and cultural stereotypes in and out of the media. He was forced to break through the barriers of the Eurocentric idea that African American music was not a form of art. He stopped using minstrel stereotypes that he had previously used at the Cotton Club. By the 1930s, he had differentiated many stereotypes from reality. It was important to Ellington that his marketing approach attracted all races and classes. He eliminated some prejudice by proving that music has no race. He always made sure to articulate the achievements, history, and value or African American culture. He trusted that the most efficient manner to protest was to â€Å"live and create in a way that undermined racial barriers and stereotypes†. Ellington, contrasting from many other African American artists, succeeded without using the white-dominated recording style. He was actually playing African American music and his pieces were on the record charts. Normally African American traveling performers struggled while on the road. Hotels and restaurants would not allow them. They would be physically and verbally attacked which often led to alcoholism. When Duke traveled in the South, he also brought two Pullman cars, a baggage car, lighting equipment, a stage, and an electrician. These assets made for a more secure trip. Ellington received the high honor of the Spingarn Medal which was the highest achievement for the American Negro. During his acceptance speech, he stated that he makes music for freedom. He later joined the Emergency Committee of the Entertainment Industry. This committee was opposed to race riots and poor treatment of minorities. This group advertised on stage, screen, and radio. In 1929, he played at a benefit performance. The proceeds when to the memorial fund for Home for Negro Performers. Another political act he did was assisting Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by performing during the Montgomery Bus Boycott to raise funds for the Montgomery Improvement Association. Duke was described as a â€Å"symbol of power of multiracial appeal, the artistry and respect that African Americans could achieve, the money that could be made from the neglected African American market, and the possibility of a comfortable and mutually profitable meeting point for African Americans and whites. † This quote explains how the integration of blacks and whites could be beneficial to society as a whole. When Ellington traveled internationally, he came to realize that jazz music was more popular outside of the United States of America than inside. His overall goal of disproving African American stereotypes was a world project, not just a national project. He and his orchestra became the first jazz band to perform at Carnegie Hall when they premiered â€Å"Black, Brown, and Beige†. Ellington’s success created a new market for African American musicians. One of the first mixed race performances was â€Å"Cotton Club Medley† by Ellington. At this point in time, African American music had become a popular music genre. Racial lines were crossed within music advertising. White and black performers were featured on entertainment ads. Not only had Ellington become the most written about celebrity in this phase of time, his earnings were in the five figures. At the age of sixty, Ellington composed and recorded a song with John Coltrane and Charles Mingus for a motion picture. In the 1960s, he was considered the best known musician and composer in the world. In 1964, he composed a piece to defend the termination of segregation and discrimination entitled â€Å"Non-violent Integration†. Listening to the music of Duke Ellington began to symbolize looking at African Americans in a new light. Ellington’s final works submitted his vision of music, peace, brotherhood, and love. Ellington said, â€Å"The Negro is not merely a singing and dancing wizard but a loyal American in spite of his social position. I want to tell America how the Negro feels about it. † When he stated this, he denoted that black people were more than just a device for entertainment purposes; they were American citizens. One of Duke Ellington’s longest and influential pieces was â€Å"Black, Brown and Beige†, which was composed and performed in 1943. Ellington described this work as â€Å"a tone parallel to the history of the American Negro. † This composition was established to portray the history of the Negro from Africa to the present. The title â€Å"Black, Brown and Beige† symbolized the different skin tones of African Americans. Each color in the title also represented a different movement of the composition. When composing this work, Ellington incorporated music from the opera â€Å"Boola† and transformed it into a tone poem. He did not finish editing the arrangement until the day of his Carnegie Hall performance. This explains that Duke believed a piece could be altered numerous times in order to create a great product. Ellington and his orchestra premiered the full symphony, â€Å"Black, Brown and Beige† at Carnegie Hall in 1943. Five days later, they performed once again, only this time at Boston’s Symphony Hall. These two performances became the only full performances of â€Å"Black, Brown and Beige† for many years to come. Duke decided to only play excerpts from the piece in the future. The six most popular excerpts were â€Å"Work Song†, â€Å"Come Sunday†, â€Å"The Blues†, â€Å"West Indian Dance†, â€Å"Emancipation Celebration†, and â€Å"Sugar Hill Penthouse†. The premiere of the piece was deemed confusing and disappointing by critics. People who were not accustomed to Ellington’s musical style were also perplexed by â€Å"Black, Brown and Beige†. Ellington and his band began performing sections of â€Å"Black† and â€Å"Brown†, but rarely performed sections of â€Å"Beige† until 1965. He refused to play â€Å"Brown† in its entirety because he claimed that people did not understand the important story behind it. Ellington often spoke of his message prior to performing a piece, also called programming. His first biographer, Ulanov, said that â€Å"Black, Brown and Beige† was â€Å"more successful without programming†. Ulanov also stated that people â€Å"didn’t need to know about the American Negro to understand the music. † The first movement of â€Å"Black, Brown and Beige†, â€Å"Black† was worked at the most thoroughly of the movements. The first movement interpreted the sorrows and joys of the Negro when brought to America from Africa through work songs and spirituals. According the Ellington, the second movement, â€Å"Brown†, represented the recurring hopes and disappointments of blacks in America. It also symbolized the pain suffered through whippings, the bravery of the African Americans who attempted and/or succeeded at escaping, and the triumph of their emancipation. The last movement, â€Å"Beige†, was said to be a â€Å"vague and unfinished working of ideas†. Originally, the finale of â€Å"Black, Brown and Beige† consisted of the lyrics, â€Å"We’re Black, Brown, and Beige, but we’re red, white, and blue. † Although Ellington was advised to remove the line from the performance completely, he simply omitted it from the finale and instead, announced it in his programming prior to the final movement. This line was evidently very significant to Duke Ellington. It represented the point that although African Americans were different shades than white people, they were still Americans and deserved equal rights. â€Å"Black, Brown and Beige† was performed in segments for a few decades. The version recorded in 1958 was criticized because it was believed to have expanded the flaws of the original premiere at Carnegie Hall. During the 1958 recording, there were only four other musicians, excluding Ellington, remaining from the original orchestra that performed in 1943. These musicians were Ray Nance, Lawrence Brown, Johnny Hodges, and Harry Carney. Ellington took another large step toward presenting the African American struggle when he and his orchestra performed â€Å"Black† at the Festival of the American Arts in 1965. The audience included approximately four hundred members including President Lyndon B. Johnson.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Ophelia “Frailty They Name Is Woman”

Hamlet says, â€Å"Frailty thy name is woman†. Consider this statement in the light of the presentation of Aphelia; Identify key scenes and soliloquies for analysis Discuss various productions/interpretations State your preference of interpretation The word frail meaner when a person or object has the quality of being weak, fragile, weak in health or being morally unstable, also someone who is easily manipulated and influenced by people that surround them, unable to stand on their own. In this essay I plan to look into the character of Aphelia in the play Hamlet by WilliamShakespeare, to see whether she is a frail character and what factors contribute to this. I want to look at particular scenes where Aphelia is involved and ones where she is being described and used in order to see how Aphelia reacts to the other characters in the play, to see if she shows any particular signs of being frail. In act 1 scene 2 Hamlet is referring to his mother describing his feelings on how un acceptable it is that she has moved on so hastily from the man that she seemed to love so dearly. He then says â€Å"Frailty, thy name is woman! He is at the time aiming his comment at his mother and his anger for the new King but he also labels innocent Aphelia under this as well. We have to remember that Aphelia was brought up in a society that is male dominant, the women in Elizabethan times had little control on what was to become of their lives and were closely governed by their fathers and husbands. The women in this period would be expected to obey their husband's orders and father's wishes. It is therefore not surprising that Aphelia isn't given many lines in the play itself but she is a key tool used throughout by; Hamlet,Polonium and Claudia in a bid to out do and catch one another out. I would agree with Jacques Lilac here in his introduction of Aphelia in one of his seminars that began with â€Å"That piece of bait named Aphelia† she is indeed used as bait by tho se closest to her and they don't seem to care if the bait gets snapped up in the process. This meddling and toying with her makes it impossible for her to escape and contributes to her death, this is done by the people close to her whom she looks up to and respects enough to be reliant on them and to also totally trust them with her affairs and problems but they misuse her and manipulate her naivety.From the beginning Aphelia is portrayed to us as a delicate, well spoken, respectful young lady but one who is being instructed and ordered by her brother to uphold the family name by not consenting to sex with Hamlet before marriage, even though she does voice her own opinions on the matter she does seem to obey and follow what her brother is firmly suggesting she does. Although I think here Aphelia shows her true collectedness and wit in that she knows that her brother is likely to be going against these rules himself and therefore being hypocritical.But, good my brother, Do not as som e ungracious pastors do, Show me the steep and thorny way to heaven, Whiles, like a puffed and reckless libertine, himself the primrose path of dalliance treads, and reeks not his own red. † Here she voices her point but in a very dignified way. All she wants is her brother to have a sense of fairness between them and put aside the fact that she is seen as weaker being a woman and is almost voicing a plea for equality. In comparison after this she is then instructed again, now by her forceful, religious father who simply thinks that Hamlet's love for Aphelia is not love t all but that it's Just lust.He thinks he has his daughter's best interest in mind but he doesn't give her much time to think about her feelings or to voice them to him. In act 1 scene 3 Aphelia confides in her father explaining what Hamlet has said to her and also what she believes Hamlet's feelings are towards her. â€Å"And hath given countenance to his speech, my lord, with almost all the holy vows of hea ven. † This shows not only that she trusts Hamlet's love but that she is very open with her father and that she has a great deal of trust in him and doesn't have to hold back or keep secrets from him.She is quite naive in thinking that she can have complete trust in Polonium. He uses this great trust his daughter has in him to his advantage to gain favor with Claudia. Some may say that it is here she is frail in that she does not stand up for what she believes or for her love for Hamlet. She quickly obeys her father's wishes to stop seeing him without thinking about what she truly wants. In reply to Aphelion's feelings and beliefs on Hamlet's love for her, Polonium shows in his tone and language his disregard for his daughter's feelings and level of maturity. â€Å"Think yourself a baby. † off speak like a green girl. â€Å"Ay, fashion you may call it. † Here he is likening her to a baby, maybe meaning she is weak, young and frail and has to depend on others in o rder to survive amongst them. Also he mocks her because he does not believe that Hamlet's love for her is real although she does. He is almost humoring her because he thinks she is a fool for thinking that Hamlet's love is true and is constantly putting her down calling her a green girl because she is not ripe yet and therefore not old enough to see what is really going on. This scene and discussion ends simply with Aphelia saying; l shall obey. She has been brought up not to argue with her father but I agree with David Pennington when he says, â€Å"Aphelion's willingness to let her father interpret for her is very disappointing† because in contrast to her ability to stand up to her brother she has no ability to oppose her father. In act 2 scene 2 Polonium is conversing with Claudia trying to arrange a meeting between Aphelia and Hamlet. â€Å"I'll loose my daughter to him. † Her father talks about her like a piece of bait or a pawn under his complete control, he make s her sound like an animal being let loose like a wild dog, suddenly released.This is her father yet again taking control of her life and happiness when he suggests that they set up a meeting with Hamlet so that Polonium and Claudia get to spy on the situation and hear what Hamlet has to say. It is in this scene that Hamlet now uses Aphelia as a target for his anger, frustration and feelings of hatred for the foul play of Polonium and Claudia. He is blunt and horrible when he voices his anger claiming there was never anything between him and Aphelia; â€Å"l loved you not† â€Å"Marry a fool for wise men know well enough what monsters you make of them. Hamlet is quite cold hearted and harsh in the things he chooses to say to Aphelia. He also directs comments through her such as; â€Å"l say we will have no more marriage. Those that are married already all but one, shall live. † Here Hamlet is threatening Claudia and really trying to scare and intimidate him by suggest ing that he is going to kill him. Aphelion's reaction to this scene with Hamlet and his mockery of her is little and she comes across as quite feeble with little to reply with. â€Å"O help him, you sweet heavens. â€Å"O heavenly powers, restore him. † Instead of replying directly, she is pleading to the heavens and God as if the devil or evil has changed Hamlet and she wishes they could change him back. This could be seen as naivety to think it is not down to Hamlet himself. She shows frailty here; in that she soon looses confidence and also the will to stand up for herself and the love she thought she had with Hamlet. Act 4 scene 7 Aphelion's death is announced by Gertrude in front of Alerter and Claudia.Aphelion's death is described in such a personal, peaceful and elegant way it's a very good cover up for the struggle and madness that is quickly spreading amongst the castle. â€Å"Her clothes spread wide, mermaid like they bore her up†¦ Lulled the poor wretch from her melodious lay to muddy death. † These lines said by Gertrude create a poetic image of Aphelion's supposed accidental death. The description has probably been changed in this way because committing suicide was a sin and the church would have been disgusted at the thought that someone involved with the royal family would do such a thing.Aphelia would not be authorized to have a proper funeral and burial if it was seen to be suicide. Even though parts of the description are lovely and create images and reflections of Aphelia there is still a harsh awakening with the words ‘muddy death' that soon bring o back to the reality of what has happened and now a disturbing factor has been added. You can almost misread the play and not notice she has in fact killed herself, after her suffering she doesn't even get a dramatic exit like all the other deaths in the play and seems instead to sink to her death.This may be because of Aphelion's personality and general aura that a pain ful slow death would not fit with her character and her back story. The description itself makes it seem as if the water did not have to fight to bring her down but that it was actually very easy and with no trudge, portraying that Aphelia is in fact frail in that she could not fight harder and get herself out of the deep, dark hole in her mind that she had retreated into.In the two films I have watched of Hamlet, the portrayal of Aphelia has been different. In Kenneth Branch's version, Aphelia is how I imagine her to be; quite striking, elegant and she also comes across as quite an intelligent young lady played by Kate Winglet. When she talks she doesn't shy away and seem frail, she actually seems to voice her lines quite forcefully when appropriate. However when she turns ad in this film production I think the acting and the overall look of Aphelia is somehow out of place.I think she needs to show her crazy side in a more subdued style of acting and with a slightly more psychotic side to it, this is where Franco Ziegfeld's film for me excels because I think Helena Bonham Carter's take on Aphelia is better and more like I expected it to be as depicted from the original script. Her natural ability to have that â€Å"off the rails† look about her is a major plus, she pulls off the crazy act but in an elegant and purely quite disturbing way. Her overall portrayal f Aphelia however, seems weak and she seems to Just blend further and further into the background.In conclusion I think Aphelion's character is like a child getting caught in between the cross fire and I think that her story is tragic in its own way because of her being kept close but constantly in the background. She gets forgotten about and used by the powerful men in the play. I agree with Barbara Everett when she says that â€Å"Licensor is what was once known as a â€Å"man's world†, one given up to the pursuit of power in a conventional system of rivalries. There is little place for women in such a world, and he women of this tragedy are markedly shadowy and faint†.I think that Aphelia could be seen as sheltered naive and frail. I think it's through no fault of her own however, but rather through the pressures of society, family and her peers. Bibliography http://www. opensourceshakespeare. Org http://Shakespearean. Org. UK/ critical essays on Shakespearean hamlet general editor Jack Bowen written version of one of Jacques Lagan's seminars www. Sparseness. Co. UK Henchman advanced Shakespeare set text http://faculty. Petticoats. Du/?Nichols/aphelia. HTML by Carla Williams

Comparative Matrix and essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Comparative Matrix and - Essay Example Schuler, R.S. 1992, ‘Repositioning the human resource function: transformation or demise?’, In P.J. Frost, VF Mitchell & WR Nord, HRM reality: putting competence in context, Southwestern Publishing Ohio, pp. 8-20. Choi, I. [CD-ROM] 2005, â€Å"Organizing negotiation and resistance: The role of Korean union federations as institutional mediators†, University of California, Korea. Retrieved October 7, 2005 from UMI Proquest Digital Dissertations database. This research examines and compares the role of the two Korean national labor federations in organizing negotiation and resistance especially their responses to the Korean governments’ restructuring process brought on by international pressure and economic globalization. The author has argued that these two Korean federations, namely, the KCTU (Korean Confederation of Trade Unions and FKTU (Federation of Korean Trade Unions) have very different ideologies, strategies and organizational networks. This has a profound causal effect on the actions taken by local unions. He compared the two federations in terms of movement ideology and strategy by combined examination of documents, interviews and observations in Korea. The mediating role the two national federations play between the state labor policies and local labor union activities has had significant impact on both labor management relations at the workplaces level as well as on nationwide labor movements. The research conclu sion shows how structural and institutional factors affect local labor union movements, and how local union activities influence overall labor policies through the channel of federations’ leadership. This project also offers a useful framework for understanding labor relations, especially the military of labor movements, by focusing the two federations as institutional filters in labor politics. This